Introductory Courses
EEPS 102: Earth, Life, and Time
In this course, we look to the geologic past and discover how geologists use evidence gathered from the rock record to interpret geologic and biologic processes that have occurred over deep time. We will explore the history of the Earth, investigating some of the most important events that shaped the modern world such as oxygenation of Earth’s atmosphere, the explosive radiation of life, and mass extinction events. Undergraduate students.
Advanced Courses
EEPS 420/520: Trace Fossils: Behavior, Environment, and Applications
An investigation of organism-substrate interactions during the present and throughout geologic time. Topics include ichnologic theory, a review of modern and ancient trace makers, ichnofacies models, and applications to sedimentologic and stratigraphic problems, environmental impacts on substrate-dependent ecosystems, as well as oil, gas, and groundwater exploration. Undergraduate and graduate students.
EEPS 453/553: Modern and Ancient Soils
An investigation of soils in the modern and geologic record. Topics include an overview of soil formation and major soil processes, field and laboratory techniques in the study of soils and paleosols, impacts of environmental and climatic change on soil systems, as well as the use of paleosols in paleoenvironmental and paleoclimatic reconstructions. Undergraduate and graduate students.
EEPS 596: Scientific Presentations
Preparation and oral presentation of scientific material. Grade based on content, preparation, presentation, and instructor critique in departmental seminar. Graduate students.
EEPS 640: Seminar in Sedimentary Geology – Evolution of Terrestrial Environments and Ecosystems
A review of the development of terrestrial environments and ecosystems from the Precambrian to the Neogene with a focus on how changes in Earth systems influenced surface processes, landscapes, and life. Graduate students.